Ellie Rudge

Age: 17
Where are you from? Birmingham
I am currently… in full time education studying Drama, Psychology and Fashion.
I am a LEAP Ambassador because… I’m looking at studying Drama at university and think this is an amazing opportunity to learn more about the industry, along with helping my personal statement stand out when applying.
What are you passionate about? I’m passionate about drama, creative writing and fashion. I’m a very creative person and participating in these activities is like a breath of fresh air, from school and other responsibilities.
Ever since I can remember I’ve wanted to become an actress but growing up over the years and getting to the age where people want a serious answer when they ask what you want to be when you’re older. I’ve seen how people turn their nose up to the idea that becoming an actress isn’t just a dream and is a career path worth taking. I think this experience will help me realise all the different roots I can take with an acting degree and help me feel more confident in following my dream despite what others think.
Interesting fact about me: I can play guitar, piano and ukulele and enjoy writing songs. I like to keep to myself some of the time, and normally it’s because I’m writing songs or playing music. I like to go to the same café when I can and write in my book and listen to music for hours. Some people find it interesting I have a twin brother, but we are born on separate days because it went past midnight.
My first encounter with Birmingham Royal Ballet was… when I was younger as I’ve come to watch the Nutcracker every year, but most recently would be last year when I came to watch Swan Lake with my school.
A hobby of mine is… I enjoy going to charity shops and second-hand clothing stores to buy my clothes, I started doing this because I liked finding old clothes and making them into something I would wear. Sometimes I’d find things that were perfect for me just by luck, but the main reason I do this is to help charities and the environment because fast fashion is a huge problem in society that isn’t really spoken on.