Thank You
Join & Support UsThank You
We’re enormously grateful to all our corporate supporters, individual supporters and trust and foundations, whose generosity enables us to continue bringing world-class ballet to audiences of all ages across the UK – and beyond.
Leadership Gifts
We are very grateful to our Principal Supporters:
Lord Glendonbrook and Mr Martin Ritchie
Charles Holloway, OBE
Alan and Caroline Howard
Aud Jebsen
Principal Corporate Partners
Major Supporters
We are very grateful to our Major Supporters:
Individual Supporters
We would like to thank the following individuals for their generous support.
Major Supporters
Jayne Cadbury and Nigel Goodman
CL & JS Cadbury Trust
Peggy Czyzak-Dannenbaum
Charles Glanville and James Hogan
Mary Laing & the late David Laing
Sir Michael and Joan Perry
Dancers' Circle – Principal
Julia and Anthony Glossop
Tony Newcombe
Su and Richard Simkin
Dancers' Circle – Soloist
Susan and Frederick Furniss
Maureen and Roy Kirby
Chris and Jane Loughran
Chantelle Mackay
Marian Mulady
Linda Nicholls
Sir David and Lady Win Normington
Nigel and Margaret Plumley
Gillian Shaw
Carla and Dilys Skinner
Dancers' Circle – Artist
Jenny Batelen and Rob Brett
Roger and Felicity Burman
Rachel Cavet
Brenda and Michael Chadwick
Dr Jim Clews
Guy and Judy Crofts
Irving and Olya David
Robyn Durie
Ian and Alison Fisher
Tessa Gillespie
Professor Caroline Gordon
P.S. and C.A. Gravestock
Wendy and Gordon Hardy
Jill and Malcolm Harris
Dr Sandra Kendall
Tessa and Charles King-Farlow
Robert Kolaczynski
Shirley Leaver
Hilary Macaulay
Katie Newbon
Rosie Parker RAD RTS
Keith Perry
Amanda and Emily Pillinger
Ellie Pinnells
Lyn Procter
Chris Relph
Sally Rowe
Carole Sallnow
Barbara Scott
Miles Scott and Lucille Roughley
Margaret Shand
Mark and Amanda Smith
Nick Makin and Brenda Sumner
Ron and Jackie Treverton-Jones
Gold Friends
Jane Arthur
Jane van Ammel
Dr Anthony Cook and Miss Susan Elias
Jess Dunnicliff
Mrs Eileen Goodwin
Lady Carolyn Harford
Jan Harris
Jane Humphreys
Penny Kirkwood
Ian Kirkwood
Richard Lewis
Karen and James Lowther
Anne Maguire
Geraldine Meehan
Helen Miles
Phillipa Parkes
Stephen Rolls
Deborah Spence
David Spencer
… and to our many individual supporters who prefer to remain anonymous.
We are also very grateful to all those individuals who have generously remembered BRB with a legacy in their wills:
Valerie Anderson
Professor Geoffrey Ball
Sybil Ball
Alan Goodwin
Colin Graham
Kathleen Hamey
Freda Honeysett
William Jones
Susan Naylor
Jane Nicholas
Judith and John Percival
John Pinder
Dr Martin Purdy
Ross Roberts
Mrs Doreen Robinson
Peter Skinner
Robert Southgate
Jill Sparrow
Miss B. Stafford
Mr John Weston
… and to all the other generous individuals who have left legacies to Birmingham Royal Ballet over the years.
Caroline Miller Fund
We are grateful to the following individuals for their support:
Sharon Allen
Janet Billingham
Robert Bradshaw
Rob Brett
Madeleine Budgen
Brian Cheese
Marverine Cole
Sheila Cross
Sandra Crossley
Sandra Davison
Susan Dalgetty Ezra
Charles Glanville
Ann Green
Jane Harris
Paul Kanas
Rachael Magson
Fiona Mason
Hilary McGowan
Helen Miles
David Nicholls
Judith Olney
Veronica Pallett
Simon Pennington
Anna Rickard
Roger Rivett
Frances Rumball
Carole Sallnow
Emma Smith
Halldora Kristin Thorarinsdottir
Stella Wager
Corporate Supporters
Our sincere thanks go to all our corporate sponsors, supporters and members.
Corporate Members
Dancer Development Sponsors
Corporate Donors
Trusts and Foundations
We would like to thank the following trusts and foundations for their support:
The Kirby Laing Foundation
The Michael Bishop Foundation
The Alan Woodfield Charitable Trust
The Alison Hillman Charitable Trust
The Arts Society Birmingham
The Aspinwall Educational Trust
Baron Davenport's Charity
Bayfield Charitable Trust
Birmingham Common Good Trust
Blakemore Foundation
The Blakebank Trust
The Brian Shaw Memorial Trust
The Calleva Foundation
The Charles Brotherton Trust
The Chatwin Trust
Clare King Charitable Trust
Claverdon Fields Charitable Trust
The Clore Duffield Foundation
The John S Cohen Foundation
Dumbreck Charity
The Diana Startin Charitable Trust
The Edward and Dorothy Cadbury Trust
The Edward Cadbury Charitable Trust
Ensix Charitable Trust
Eric W Vincent Trust Fund
Eveson Charitable Trust
The Geoff Hill Charitable Trust
The George Cadbury Fund
George Fentham Birmingham Charity
The George Henry Collins Charity
GJW Turner Trust
The GNC Trust
The Grantham Yorke Trust
The Grimmitt Trust
The Hawthorne Charitable Trust
Henry James Sayer Charity
Howard Victor Skan Charitable Trust
The Idlewild Trust
James Frederick and Ethel Anne Measures Charitable Trust
The John Thaw Foundation
Klahr Charitable Trust
Langdale Trust
The Limoges Charitable Trust
London Ballet Circle
The Loppylugs and Barbara Morrison Charitable Trust
The Lord Austin Trust
M K Rose Charitable Trust
Marsh Charitable Trust
Michael Watson Charitable Trust
The Michael Marsh Charitable Trust
The Misses C M Pearson & M V Williams Charitable Trust
The Noël Coward Foundation
The Oakley Charitable Trust
The Patricia Routledge Charitable Trust
Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire
Richard Cadbury Charitable Trust
The Rick Mather David Scrase Foundation
The Roger and Douglas Turner Charitable Trust
The Rowlands Trust
Royal Philharmonic Society with funding from RPS Drummond Lockyer Fund for Dance
The Rix-Thompson-Rothenberg Foundation/Baily Thomas Charitable Fund
The Saintbury Trust
Sir Robert Gooch Trust
Souter Charitable Trust
St Jude's Trust
St Thomas' Dole Charity
The Uncle Bill Trust
The Vandervell Foundation
Vic-Wells Association
W E D Charitable Trust
William A Cadbury Charitable Trust
The Wilmcote Charitrust
The Wood & Steven Charitable Trust
…and those trusts and foundations that prefer to remain anonymous.