Sign up to be a Gold member
Corporate OpportunitiesSign up to be a Gold member
Brilliant benefits and more....
- Top-price tickets for BRB Birmingham performances across the year (20 /yr)
- Opportunity to use your 20 tickets for London performances at no extra cost
- Programmes for your guests (20 /yr)
- Invitations to opening night events, including hospitality (two per event for four events /yr)
- Opportunity to host a bespoke pre-show reception, centred round a BRB
performance* - Opportunity to invite senior BRB creative leader to private events around BRB shows.
- Half-page advert in every BRB programme in the UK†
- Logo acknowledgement on the website and in every programme in the UK
- Supporters’ magazine (two issues /yr)
- Account management from BRB’s Development Team
*Room hire, catering and hospitality service at additional cost
**Catering and hospitality service at additional cost
†Approximately 22,000 printed per year
Gold Membership: £7,500 + VAT per year
To explore how we can tailor your perfect partnership with Birmingham Royal Ballet, please contact us or call 07842 013 441.