Contact us
Contact us
We welcome feedback, including complaints, suggestions and compliments – they’re important ways for us to make sure the work we deliver is of the highest quality.
Address: Birmingham Royal Ballet, Thorp Street, Birmingham B5 4AU.
Tel: 0121 245 3500
General Enquiries:
For a full email contact list click here.
Reception hours are 9 am – 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
You can email your feedback to
- We welcome all feedback, be it via our website, on social media or in writing.
- We endeavour to acknowledge receipt of all feedback.
- If your feedback requires a formal response, please make this clear to us.
- We’ll send you any formal response within 15 working days.
You can email your complaints to
- We’ll acknowledge your complaint within three business days.
- We’ll monitor and track that your complaint is in progress and being actioned.
- We’ll respond to your complaint in full within 15 business days.
- If you’re not satisfied with your response, you can escalate the matter to our Chief Executive Officer at
- If your complaint is related to fundraising and if you remain dissatisfied, you can refer your complaint to the Fundraising Regulator. This must be done within eight weeks of our final response or they may not be able to respond to your complaint.
Our Feedback and Complaints Commitment
- We recognise, respect and encourage the rights of people to raise complaints and give feedback.
- How feedback or complaints are given will not affect how quickly we respond to you, or to the result.
- All complaints and feedback requiring actions should be assigned to a named owner.
- We’ll endeavour to offer responses to feedback or complaints in accessible formats.
- Feedback and complaints should be managed in a fair and transparent way. We always try to reach a positive result.
- Complaints should be handled in a timely and effective manner.
- We’ll endeavour to work actively with and involve our partners and stakeholders where feedback concerns them.
- We wish to make a resolution whenever possible.
- We’ll endeavour to let you know if we make changes to policy and procedures as a result of your feedback.
Registered in England and Wales no. 3320538. Charity Registered no. 1061012. VAT Registration no. 232 5263 33.